New “Drastically Simplified” Facebook Privacy Controls Start Rolling Out Tomorrow

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  • Zuck is a douche - May 25th, 2010 at 6:49 am UTC

    The problem with Zuck is that when he says, "We will never sell your data", he has a very different idea of what is "your data" vs "his data". For example, to the right of my is an ad for TechCrunh on Facebook. It says Tech Crunch has 51,991 fans on FB and it shows 10 fan photos. Every time I see this ad, I see 1 or 2 people out of the ten that I know and area friends with on Facebook. WTF? FB is obviously telling TC who my friends are, or at least providing an API to get one or two of my friends pictures. This is complete bullshit. F both of tyou.

  • I haven't been this excited over privacy settings since the I can remember*&@#*#@

    In all seriousness, I guess this is good. But ultimately we know that Zuck thinks his users are mindless fools.

  • And I bet the Open Graph is their main focus.

  • Facebook pulled a bait and switch on customers on short notice and made it really hard to opt-out of it. Now it's making it a little easier to opt-out of the bait and switch they pulled on short notice. How admirable.

  • I hope it is an Opt In policy instead of Opt Out.

  • Privacy is not just Facebook issue. It's internet issue too. So people wants to be alone and private in the internet and social sites?

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    them be some fightin' words... i too wonder what is considered "our data" versus "FaceBook" data!

    for example, if i terminate my account, can i have all my shit back? especially all the shit that has been censored???? hmmmm.....

    Posted via web from ElyssaD's Posterous
