Hacks/Hackers Brussels Inaugural Meetup: “Give Us The Data”! » Article » OWNI.eu, Digital Journalism


Hacks/Hackers Brussels Inaugural Meetup: “Give Us The Data”!

Journalists and developers launched an effort to gather information on open databases in the country and on the European Parliament and Commission last Thursday at the first Hacks/Hackers event in Belgium .

by Damien Van Achter On November 22, 2010

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Journalists and developers launched an effort to gather information on open databases in the country and on the European Parliament and Commission last Thursday at the first Hacks/Hackers event in Belgium .

Almost 50 people attended the event in Brussels, mostly hackers, but with a strong representation from national media (such as Le SoirRTL-TViRTBF *) .

The group is looking to hold their first hackaton in January. As an initial effort, the group decided to create a Google doc to collect URLs of open databases in Belgium and Brussels (European Parlement/Commission), which are lacking at the moment.

* Disclosure: I work for RTBF


Photo Credits: Flickr CC damienvanachter

The post was also published on Hacks/Hackers.com

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