[Infographic] War Inc. » Article » OWNI.eu, Digital Journalism

[Infographic] War Inc.

The dramatic superiority of privately employed contractors over American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan begs important questions on the way these too conflicts were conducted.

by Media Hacker On November 3, 2010

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Pilote de char russe reconverti /-)

According to official accounts, US troops withdrew from Iraq on August 31, 2010, passing the baton to civilian forces. Does this mean we should expect a radical change in strategy? As this infographic shows, there are more privately-employed military sources than soldiers in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Assuming not all of them are ’soldiers of fortune’, carrying machine guns, it goes to show the US has outsourced the conduct of wars in which it has engaged.

Infographie réalisée par Elsa Secco

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